Journaling: For All the Right Reasons
“As the number of studies increased, it became clear that writing was a far more powerful tool for healing than anyone had ever imagined.” - James W. Pennebaker
Many moons ago I was an avid journaler. I would get up in the wee hours of the morning before the rest of the house woke up and I would write. Nothing specific, just what came to mind. It brought me joy, grounded me and set the tone for my day. I filled notebook after notebook. So many important decisions were made because I took the time to write. The biggest being my decision to create Soul Paper. Had I not written it down it would never have come to fruition.
I have found myself in many conversations lately about writing; about expressing our thoughts, dreams, feelings and journeys through journaling. Through these conversations I have come to realize how much I miss journaling and what a gift it is for my own journey.
In the whirlwinds of our days we seldom recognize the journal worthy moments, those moments that can change the trajectory of our lives or simply remind us how much we love cheese. Journaling offers us a place to celebrate our uniqueness. Voice our hopes and dreams. Express our pain.
I’m sure there are many of you thinking, “I wouldn’t know where to begin”, “I have nothing to write about”, “I am not important”. But you do, you have and you are. The most important reason to journal is YOU, to document your life, to make your to-do list. To look back and say “wow I really have eaten a lot of great cheese.”
So give it a try. I urge you to take up paper and pen. Create a new self-care practice for yourself. Give yourself time and space to enjoy your own company.
Susan's articles are featured in a monthly column in Flow Magazine - Saskatoon.