TN Goal-Setting - Monday May 20, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:30pm.
Visual Goal-Setting Journey Workshop: Using the TN Accordion
Join us between 1 - 3:30pm for a tutorial workshop on vision board future planning using the fan-favorite Traveler’s Notebook Accordion Refill!
Our team member, Delane will lead you through using visual mapping to think through your future goals and journey. Come with a goal or future vision in mind, your TN, and an accordion refill (or pick one up in-store!), and anything else you may want to incorporate! For example: polaroids, double sided tape, stickers, rub on stickers, stamps, washi (or pick up some fun new goodies at the shop)!
Registration for this event is limited. Sign up online to reserve your seat. Please book your seats individually under your own name. If you have reserved a seat, but are unable to attend, please unregister (within at least 24 hours) to give someone else a chance to attend. 🙂